Sunday, March 13, 2016

More ideas for small apartments

More ideas from one of my favorite shows, Fixer Upper on HGTV.

See you tomorrow, enjoy the day,

Teresa Flores, Direct from Montreal
posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Interior Design: working with small spaces

Photo Source:
Interior Design gets into every type of spaces, no matter how small it is. This is what we will be talking about today: how do you make the best of your small apartment. 

One good question is what is the approach with small spaces? the answer is pretty simple, use of limited amount of furniture and appropriate use of the spacial space. A good strategy to make a space look bigger is to go minimalist on the number and size of the furniture to be use. Another good idea is the use of the shelves, bookshelves and accessories to be used high on the walls or the ceiling.

Photo Source:
For a living room on a small apartment I would go with a sofa according to the size of the room, usually one measuring less than 2 meters and the use of very simple armchair. Sometimes you can only need a couple of armchairs and a coffee table and that's it. The rest is just the use of accessories and details, like lamps, a couple of stools that could work as side tables and as a sit when needed.
Photo Source:
Photo Source:

When you have a small apartment you will try to get a good use of every single are while taking into consideration that you don't want the space to look like a locker. working with a small apartment requires a lot of creativity. Figure out what exactly each room will be use for, your lifestyle, are  there kids involved, do you need extra storage? All  will depend on what you need. It's all possible, you just need to be open to the possibilities and your budget.

Photo Source: Home Design 
 Let me hear from you and your experiences working with small spaces, it is always a challenge.

Spring it's coming, be prepared for the new season. See you tomorrow,

Teresa Flores, direct from Montreal

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Looking for a sense of direction

One of these days you will find yourself analysing your life and looking at every aspect of it and thinking: "is this how I imagine my life will be at this moment?"

Are you doing what you really love?; do you feel that you are using your time the way you want to?; are you sharing your time with friends, family and involve on the activities you love as you want to or is time passing through you without you realizing it?. Are you working toward your highest potential?; are you been true to who you are?; are you using your gift to create bigger thing to give to the world?  

This is an exercise you should be doing very often and whatever is not according to the way you think it should, you should make the changes that need to be change.  Think about these things for a minute and we'll continue with this conversation later this week. 

Stay warm and enjoy your day, spring is eventually coming.

Teresa Flores, direct from Montreal.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Interior Design: Creating your Living Room as if it comes from a Magazine

We would show you that creating each and every room in your house can be done with a magazine flare and with a low budget and have the same effects at the end.

 Source: House and Garden UK

We will take this living room from House & Garden UK magazine and we will show you how you can recreate it in your own living room. You can also make simply some changes in your current living room, where you can only have to include some accessories, maybe change that coffee table or include the carpet. that will depend on what you have and the feeling you would like to bring to the room.

We will go into IKEA website and we will look at items that can recreate this  space with a little bit of money.

The basics items are the big ones, the sofa, the carpet and the tables ( coffee and side tables). With that in your budget you will be able to start working.
You can choose from the simple sofa Klippan Sofa  which prices are around $400 CA to a Kivik one which is the one we are proposing for this arrangements. 

Source: IKEA website
After you get the basic items, you just need to include the accessories. Please remember that for the accessories you can go your own way. In order to maintain the look like in the picture, just keep in mind that you must select the color you would like to be the predominant in the area, in this exercise the color is blue.

I hope you have a good time playing with this decor game, there is so much fun creating or recreating a room in your house. I love to go shopping at flea markets, where you will be able to find fantastic details that you can  change, re-paint or just use them as they are in your house. if you live in Montreal you might have to wait for Summer to go to a Flea market, but the wait is worthy.

Enjoy your day, remember Spring is just around the corner and so is Saint Patrick's day. if you love the blue in this post think about green, it's just another great color for the month.

See you tomorrow, stay warm, it's still freezing cold in Montreal.

Teresa Flores, Direct from Montreal