Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Looking for a sense of direction

One of these days you will find yourself analysing your life and looking at every aspect of it and thinking: "is this how I imagine my life will be at this moment?"

Are you doing what you really love?; do you feel that you are using your time the way you want to?; are you sharing your time with friends, family and involve on the activities you love as you want to or is time passing through you without you realizing it?. Are you working toward your highest potential?; are you been true to who you are?; are you using your gift to create bigger thing to give to the world?  

This is an exercise you should be doing very often and whatever is not according to the way you think it should, you should make the changes that need to be change.  Think about these things for a minute and we'll continue with this conversation later this week. 

Stay warm and enjoy your day, spring is eventually coming.

Teresa Flores, direct from Montreal.

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