Monday, February 22, 2016

How do you get back on track? One day at a time


You plan, you manage and you make sure everything is according to the map... And then, life happens. That is something you cannot change, in life it is what it is. Where you actually have an incidence is on how you react, what do you after, how you move forward. 

Now going back to the original question, how do you get back on track? Make the decision and start working right day at a time.

Hence, this morning is the beginning of the 30 days trial of getting back on track. The plan for the week is just one: keep on working / keep on moving.

Let's see what's going on in Montreal this week:

1. You can put in your agenda the new exhibition to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, POMPEII which will be open until September 5th.

2. The GodFather will be presented at Place Des Arts the 27 and 28th of February at the Salle Wilfred -Pelletier. Where you will be able to watch the movie while listen to live background original music from Nino Rota which will be interpreted by Justin Freer. 

3. I have found very difficult to find online sales that can be shipped within Canada, therefore I am always open to new Canadian online stores. One good suggestion for today is Zulily, which also has a mobile application. You can find daily interesting sales for clothes, shoes, jewelry and details for the house. 

The weather in Montreal today is not too bad, -7 C degrees which feels like -14 C with the wind factor. Stay warm, have some hot beverage and we'll see you again tomorrow.

Teresa Flores, Direct from Montreal

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