Monday, January 4, 2016

Getting rid of the snow - The removal process

One thing that will amaze anyone on their winter in Montreal is when they see the whole apparatus in action of the snow removing process. The logistics, coordination and flow of the whole process is impressive.

● Starting from the announcement to the residents of the street s involve 12 hours in advance.
●The announcer with the loud sirens throughout the streets, for those vehicles still parking on the lane to be clean.
● The tow truck to move those vehicles which drivers were deft enough to not hear the noisy sirens for half an hour. ..or were simply not at home at the moment.
● The car with the smiley person to write the parking ticket.
All this just to make sure that the whole street side is empty when the action begins.

And there it is when someone says action;:
●A huge snow removal shows up with a big mouth and roaring like there is no tomorrow. The first one will clear up part of the sidewalks and move all the snow to the middle of the street.
●A small sidewalk removal will come after to clean up the sidewalks more in details and pile it up to the street.
●The big snow removal will pass a second time to pile the rest of whatever snow still remaining on the street.

Now with large pile of snow in the middle of the street.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Welcome 2016, let's make some history

A new year has begun, 366 days ahead of us. Let's make the best out of it.

Start with your goals and plans for this year, this is an important task for this week. Remember, you need to know where you want to go otherwise any road will take you just somewhere or nowhere but never "there"

Walk the walk, create your own path. It's a new year, like a white canvas...everything it's possible.

Let's start today!

Teresa Flores, direct from Montreal
posted from Bloggeroid